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University Guidance

For every pupil, making the right choices is crucial to a fulfilling and rewarding life.

At Haileybury, our careers and universities advice service equips pupils with the information, guidance and assistance they need to plan their next steps.

Applying for university

Our aim is that every pupil should gain a place at their first choice university. This means that the most significant role of the Sixth Form team is to offer advice with regard to universities and degree courses.

With this in mind, pupils must complete their university applications in the Upper Sixth year with all Sixth Formers invited to meet with the Head of Futures to discuss future plans.

UK, America and Europe

The Sixth Form team offers advice and information on applications to universities in the United Kingdom, as well as American and European universities.

All university applications to UK universities are completed through UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service.

Applications to universities outside the UK are arranged through the Fulbright Commission rather than through the School.

Futures Fair

For pupils looking to explore opportunities, or to learn more about a chosen career path, the Careers Department hosts a Futures Fair each year.

It allows pupils to talk informally with recent graduates and new recruits to professions, in order to gain an insight into various professions.

The department also holds a great deal of information on careers in industry and pupils are encouraged to use this facility.

Work experience

Work experience is a fantastic way for every pupil to explore their potential and capabilities. It is also an advantage when the time comes to write personal statements.

We encourage pupils to embark on some form of work experience during the Lower Sixth and the summer holidays. One-day placement schemes run by the careers guidance service ISCO are an ideal opportunity to do this and to make initial contact with a company.

Help with planning gap years

Pupils may choose to take a gap year before embarking on their degree for many reasons such as:

  • Exploring some of the interests they have nurtured at school to help inform them whether this was the right career path
  • Gaining work experience in a chosen field to benefit their future studies or career
  • Gaining experience of different cultures and lifestyles – perhaps working for a charity in the UK or abroad.

Our Sixth Form team is there to help pupils with advice and information on suitable placements and projects. We also have many links with overseas charities and have information on funding and sponsorship.

Scholarships with the Armed Forces

Haileybury has had a long-standing link with the Armed Forces and some of our pupils apply for Forces scholarships. The Sixth Form team can provide tailored advice to all pupils wishing to apply for a scholarship with the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force or the British Army.