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Studying history at Haileybury offers a captivating journey through the narratives of power, passion, and enduring struggles that have shaped our modern world.

Why study history at Haileybury?

With engaging narratives ranging from the rise of Hitler’s Nazi regime to the complexities of decolonisation, pupils are immersed in enthralling tales that provide insight into the dynamics of society, politics, and culture.

Whether exploring the global conflicts of World War Two or unravelling the intrigues of medieval witch hunts, history at Haileybury promises to ignite curiosity, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of our shared human experience.

Academic pathways

History is a compulsory subject up to Removes. It is then an optional GCSE subject choice.

In the Sixth Form, History is studied and can be chosen at both A Level and IB levels. At A Level, students have the option to pursue either the ‘Modern’ or ‘Early Modern’ history options.

Beyond the curriculum

Beyond the classroom, Haileybury offers a vibrant History Society, where pupils, teachers, and external speakers engage in stimulating discussions and debates on topics beyond the curriculum.

For those in the Lower School, we also offer History Club, which provides pupils the chance to engage with new and exciting topics.

Additionally, pupils have the opportunity to broaden their historical perspectives through exciting trips. Trips include a trip to Berlin for Sixth Form pupils, a Vietnam Trip for those in Middles and Fifths, a trip to Amsterdam to learn about World War Two for Removes pupils, and a trip to York for Lower School 1 pupils. All provide fantastic firsthand insight into historical experiences and allow pupils to deepen their understanding of key topics.