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Design and technology

Design and Technology enables pupils to identify, consider and solve problems through creative thinking, planning, design and by working with different media, materials and tools.

Why study design and technology at Haileybury?

By studying design and technology, pupils will be able to build up their creativity, problem-solving, planning, and evaluation skills. 

Design and technology also opens up opportunities in many different industries, making it an exciting field for future careers. Potential careers that follow on from design technology include but are not restricted to design, architecture, engineering, robotics and manufacturing.

Our Design and Technologies facilities are situated at the art of SciTech, our new state-of-the-art science and technology centre. These new facilities aim to inspire the next generation of scientists, mechanics and engineers and equip our pupils with the essential skills to progress on to study Science and Technology subjects at leading universities.

Academic pathways

Lower school pupils take part in an exciting design and technology lesson weekly, and in Removes, design technology is offered as a Pathway.

Design and technology is then offered as a public examination course for GCSE pupils.

In Sixth Form, pupils choosing this path can specialise and elect to study design technology for the IB Diploma or product design or design engineering for the A level.

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Beyond the curriculum

The Engineering Society is organised and run by Sixth Formers for pupils from Removes through to Upper Sixth.

Greenpower racing is run as an afternoon activity for Sixth Form pupils. This event requires pupils to build, maintain and race an electric racecar against other schools in the country. 

VEX Robotics Club is run for lower school and Removes and as it develops it will expand to the senior school. 

We also offer workshops in the autumn term for various skills such as woodturning and forging.